Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Labor Relations MGT 402 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Labor Relations MGT 402 - Essay Example cement of immigration laws would mean more deportations and make being an illegal immigrant a felony, and just because an illegal immigrant has a temporary worker pass does not mean that the worker will become an American citizen. The question is how would new immigration law effect labor relations in the U.S.? Some labor unions oppose the passing of these new immigration laws. The most prominent is the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations). The AFL-CIO is not opposed to new immigration laws, but wants only for responsible immigration laws to pass. The AFL-CIO states that any responsible immigration laws must contain the following elements: 5. Reform of immigration laws must consider the root causes of migration, and must take into account the global economic policies, as well as U.S. foreign policy that are pushing workers to migrate. (â€Å"Responsible Reform†) A prominent organization that wants the current immigration law proposal to pass is SEIU (Service Employee International Union), one union under the umbrella organization Change to Win. Change to Win not only includes SEIU, but also Laborers, Teamsters, UNITE HERE, Carpenters, United Food and Commercial Workers, and United Farm Workers. Establish an Earned Path to Citizenship for Hardworking Taxpaying Immigrants. The following list show why the SEIU is for the proposed immigration reform: Immigration reform is important to American workers, illegal workers working in America, and the industries employing them all. It is estimate that 5.8 million illegal workers were in the U.S. as of March 2005 (Camarota). Advocates of harsher immigration reform argue that if the millions of illegal immigrants are deported, more Americans would be employed, especially in jobs which require less education requirements. This is not exactly true. Illegal immigrant workers work along side Americans equally in lower paid jobs (Camarota). 84% of illegal immigrants do not

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